“It would be difficult to live with the knowledge that we could have saved something as precious as this, yet had not done so.”
Karolina and Piotr Jakoweńko, Cukerman Gate, Będzin
They jumped over the wall and since then they have been caretakers of the Jewish cemetery they found on its other side. They could not stop thinking about those mysterious, overgrown tombstones. They chanced upon a vague trace of someone who lived there before the war: a photograph, a sign, a memory. They teach about Jews and the Holocaust at their school, irrespective of the amount of support (or lack thereof) they receive from their community. There are now hundreds of such people. We want to present some of them here. What unites them is the belief that this is something they must do, that this is the appropriate behavior. It comes from a real sense of a calling or of a civic, moral, or religious duty.
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